How a Local Photographer Increased Traffic by 17% in One Month

Time: 3:53 am

“One great thing about Firestarter SEO is that they’re people you completely trust. We had a difficult situation coming out of our other SEO contract and they were really a rock during that whole situation. What they’ve done has really helped us.”

The Challenge

In spite of consistent efforts to improve, the website was not receiving any phone calls for the client’s core services, and traffic was stagnant.  In order to grow, the client needed to leverage their website to generate more leads.  As a photographer in a metropolitan area, competition was extremely stiff, and the client would need to rely heavily on their website to supplement their existing word-of-mouth network.  They approached Firestarter SEO and presented this dilemma, asking for some guidance on their strategy.

The Solution

Firestarter SEO audited the website, and immediately found that the keywords targeted by the previous company were words that no-one was searching for.  There were also a number of critical errors that should have been resolved but instead were impacting visibility.  Our audit is designed to approach a website as Google would see it, allowing us to identify many issues with a website that a non-expert would miss.

Our first step was to refine the keyword targeting on the website.  We performed research on what words were actually being searched by the client’s target market, and immediately implemented those keywords throughout the core areas of the site.  We then focused on cleaning up the critical errors our audit uncovered.  Finally, we improved the messaging to better resonate with potential customers and inspire them to call our client.

The Results

+237 Rankings Increase. Major jumps for competitive keywords like “Dating Headshots” and “Denver Family Portrait Photographers.”


15 1st Page Keywords. Including 1st page rankings for keywords like “Professional Photography Denver” and “Denver Corporate Headshots.”


17% Increase in Month Over Month Visits.

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